Find out why your Camp should hire International Counselors for the staff this Summer

Article by Milson Veloso* // Photos: Courtesy of Camp Tecumseh YMCA
It’s time to hire new camp staff for next summer. This is a very important decision that will impact directly in the experience that campers will have. Screening profiles, checking on their skills and certifying that new hires meet the camp’s needs are part of that decisive task for the sites.
Many students search for a camp experience as the opportunity to do something different during the summer while they are on school break, in addition to earning extra money. However, for the camp, their commitment goes far beyond. It is therefore important to be aware of certain aspects of the profiles.
What is the ideal counselor for my Summer Camp? This is not a very easy question to answer, but we are going to bring here some tips that might be helpful in the process of hiring your next Season crew.
In this post you will see why it is worth hiring an international Camp Counselor to be part of your team. And with that, we expect to lend a hand on composing a diverse group that will provide the best experience for campers, families and co-workers.
Do you want to talk with a specialist about hiring an International Counselor? Please, contact our Executive Director, Emanoela Ribeiro, at: Email: // Phone: +55 31 3309-6224 // Skype: emanoelas
1 – Multicultural experience for children inside your camp area
The first benefit we will mention is directly related to children. Having an international Camp Counselor as their leader will allow campers to have a multicultural experience.
That way, besides having fun during the summer and enjoying every single minute at camp, they will also be able to return to their homes with many stories about other countries to share with parents and friends.
Cultural diversity makes camp the proper environment to develop core values and a youth who are more tolerant and intelligent because they become able to notice such different realities around the world.
“I can say, without hesitation, that the counselors we have hosted from Brazil have
been exceptional. Their course of preparation makes them very ready for the challenges of being
counselors at an American summer camp. Historically our Globe Trotter counselors have been dynamic song leaders, enthusiastic drama coaches and passionate activity facilitators…”
Kelly S. Poese – Summer Camp Director
Camp Fitch YMCA – Pennsylvania
2 – Counselors highly trained and motivated to make this the BEST SUMMER EVER
In addition to the skills that will certainly help the daily camp routine, whether in the water activities or in other specialties, the International Counselors from Globe Trotter in Brazil have more than seven months of training in several areas.
During the program, they practice and develop their leadership skills, teamwork, communication, a sense of responsibility and caring for others, and learn many recreation techniques.
Thus, these young people arrive in the United States prepared to deal with various situations of the summer routine as well as problems solving. For all this, having an international staff member will surely further enrich your team.
“It’s like a dream! In addition to individual preparation to explore new countries and learn about new cultures, the program challenges you to be better in all areas and invites you to join a wonderful family – the Camp Counselor Program family.”
Melissa Monteiro – Former Camp Counselor
Camp Tecumseh YMCA – Indiana
3 – Environment with multiple languages and motivation for constant learning
Even though English is the official language in most of the North American camps, having Counselors who speak other languages around will motivate children to learn new words on a daily basis. This usually happens during the activities in a fun and natural way.
Our instructors receive a full training in English over several months. As a result, they are able to easily communicate in English and will be able to deal with routine situations without difficulty.
The contact with another language by the children also awakens their curiosity and the will to learn, which is very positive for their entire life. After all, which parent does not want to pick up his kid feeling more motivated to study after a week at camp, huh!?
“There are several reasons why we continue to select staff year after year from this program. We know that they have been trained and thoroughly prepared for this experience at our camp. The training on weekends that takes them through all of the necessary steps in counseling skills, cultural awareness, English proficiency, leading others, outdoor camping and team-building is very impressive. They are not afraid to work hard and are extremely respectful in the process. They want to excel at being counselors so much, and are prepared to put the work in to learn and improve in order to get there.”
Tom Elliott – Former Director of Programs
Camp Tecumseh YMCA – Indiana
4 – Hiring process facilitated and supported by international specialists
With the support of specialists in the international hiring process, your work is facilitated in all directions. You’ll have both the Sponsor in the United States and the Training Company Globe Trotter in Brazil assisting in all stages.
In that sense there is not much difference between hiring a North American worker or someone from another country. There are only a few details that need to be filled out, but the support companies will give all the guidance.
What initially may have looked like something bureaucratic is actually easier than you might think. And if you have more questions, you can also talk to many other Camp Directors who have already hired International Counselors. Just ask us and we’ll help with that as well.
“It’s a fantastic, indescribable, surreal program – a dream. You will make friends for life, get to know other cultures, develop different aspects such as leadership, responsibility, creativity. I guarantee it will be enriching.”
Pedro Marques – Former Camp Counselor
YMCA Camp Classen – Oklahoma
5 – You’ll contribute to prepare new US International Ambassadors
Having an International Counselor at your camp also benefits these young people who are looking for the opportunity to fulfill a dream: to live an unique and multicultural experience abroad. You’ll feel honored to have an essential role in this process, trust us.
After Summer when they return to their home country they’ll take all the knowledge they acquired during their experience in the United States. And that’s how travelers become true ambassadors of the USA.
In addition to being a remarkable experience for children who will remember their “different” International Counselors forever, this is also a great way to have multipliers of American culture all around the world.
Do you feel like getting to know more about hiring an International Counselor? Please, contact our Executive Director, Emanoela Ribeiro, at: Email: // Phone: +55 31 3309-6224 // Skype: emanoelas // Sponsor: IENA
Photos: Courtesy of Camp Tecumseh YMCA
Blog #GenteQueViaja – Production and Edition: Milson Veloso – Journalist, Master in Social Communication, Specialist in Digital Communication, former Camp Counselor and traveler.